Commissionability Reviews
It is prudent on any project that a Commissioning Agent is engaged at the earliest opportunity. There are different levels of reviews and different stages at which these reviews should take place.
Ideally, if the client has engaged a Commissioning Manager or ICA at the developed design stage, he and/or his team can review the proposed design from a Commissionability viewpoint, to see that the correct components and their best locations have been proposed (if proposed at all). We can also review the components size and type to see that their selection is best for purpose. This review allows any changes to the design to be implemented prior to the tender process and allows the tendering parties to price ‘Apples for Apples’. This helps avoid any unwanted variations that may present themselves later in the project and at a time where it may be impractical to remedy or resolve.
This type of commissionability review can be implemented across all building services and a service that HVAC Solutions can provide.
If however, this element of the project has been overlooked and the Mechanical Contractor appoints us as their Commissioning Engineer shortly after they have been awarded the project (and certainly before the installation advances to far), we can review the latest drawings to identify system deficiencies. It is this level of review that can catch these last minute defects and have them addressed before systems are completed and ready for commissioning.
There is nothing worse for the Mechanical Contractor than trying to retro fit or rectify system deficiencies or shortfalls at the end of a project when the programme timeframe is biting at your heals!